1. How long have you been knitting/crocheting/spinning?
Since I was about 10-- therefore, forever. I started as a 4-H class and then continued to knit until I had children. I quit, because I couldn't knit and think with kids. I started again when I moved to Virginia 4 years ago.
2. Do you consider yourself a beginner, novice or experienced yarn artist?
I guess I would say an experienced yarn artist-- if there is a pattern, I can knit it.
3. What fibers (materials) have you knit/crochet with? I like all natural fibers. Everytime I knit with synthetic yarns I am disappointed.
4. What are your favorite yarns? I don't really have a favorite yarn. Whichever natural yarn works with the pattern.
5. What fibers are you dying to try? Some funky ones (to me): linen, bamboo, hemp
6. Do you prefer solid, self striping, or handpainted yarns? I like all kinds, again, depending on what I am knitting.
7. What fibers do you dislike? Cheap acrylics.
8. What are your favorite colors? My favorite colors are purple, green and orange.
9. What are your least favorite colors? Yellow, yellow and yellow again.
10. How did you learn to knit/crochet/spin? In a 4-H class.
11. What projects are you currently working on?
I am working on some cashmere arm cosies for a "Fancy Dance" that I am going to in March. And, I just bought some cotton yarn to make an Elfin Bride sweater from the Domiknitrix book.
12. How old is your oldest UFO? What is it? Will it ever be finished?
Actually, don't have any UFO's. Am I anal or what?? Usually only work on one project at a time until it is finished.
13. What is the most heartbreaking project that you ever frogged? Actually, I can't even remember what it was, but I know I did have my daughter frog it for me. I hate doing that!
14. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? I actually prefer circular needles.
15. Do you own a swift and/or a winder? Neither.
16. Where do you keep your needles? Hodgepodge... I have two knitting bags and put them in there all out of control.
17. Do you enjoy helpful hints about your knitting or does it just piss you off? I definitely enjoy helpful hints about my knitting. I usually knit alone so I like when I can learn from someone-- it only makes my knitting better.
18. What techniques are you still a virgin in (lace, cables, ect.) and are you interested in trying them? Lace, and I'd love to try it.
19. What knitting magazines do you subscribe to? None :(
20. Are there any books, needles, yarn, patterns that you are dying to get your hands on? Anything unusual and funky.
21. Do you enjoy knitting socks? How big are your feet? I hate knitting socks. I have knit two pair and neither turned out well. My feet are size 8 1/2
22. Do you have a wish list? No.
23. What are your non-knitting, crochet, spinning hobbies? Reading, being outside, being with my family, running, hiking, kayaking, biking, roller blading.
24. How do you feel about sports? Love to participate, hate to watch.
25. What is your favorite season? Least favorite season? Why? I guess my favorite season in Virginia is spring. When that gray, damp cold finally leaves and everything starts to bloom. It is really pretty here in the spring-- lots of beautiful trees blooming. My least favorite is winter. I HATE being cold and I hate paying the heating bill.
26. What is your favorite holiday? I guess it's Christmas. I like all the excitement leading up to it. And I like seeing it through the eyes of my children. It is a very magical holiday.
27. Do you like handmade gifts? Love handmade gifts-- they are gifts from your heart.
28. Do you wear jewelry that isn't real? All.
29. What are your favorite foods? Scents that you love? I love any ethnic foods.
30. What is your family situation? Do you live alone? I have a husband and 3 children ( all girls) ages: 6,7 and 13!
31. Do you have any pets? No pets at the moment.
32. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3's?
All kinds of music: acoustic, bluegrass, alternative, rock, punk, folk etc. (Don't really like rap or country) And no, my computer/ stereo can not play MP3's.
33. What are your favorite movies? TV shows? Actors? Don't go to the movies too much. Can't think of the last adult one I've been to. Rented Little Miss Sunshine, liked that. Don't have a TV. Actors--- who?
34. What do you collect? Funky money. Out of the country money, old money or silver dollars, Sacajewa dollars, etc.
35. What do you do in real life -- besides knit and blog? I am a teacher, currently teaching preschool.
36. When is your birthday? Is it a national holiday or just another day? April 18th. It is pretty much a National Holiday-- I announce it to everyone for the previous 17 days.
37. Do you have any allergies, medical conditions or disorders that your pal should be aware of (ie. diabetes, food/pet allergies, ect.)? Allergies to nuts and corn.
38. Are there any scents, phobias, or sensory thing (ie, the way certain objects feel) that your pal should be aware of? None
39. What is the most difficult thing that you have ever knit/crochet? A modular knitted jacket from Dazzling Knits.
40. What is your personal style? Is there a time period/fashion movement that you take your cues from? Anything a little wild that will make people look twice. (ESPECIALLY in the small conservative town I live in!)
41. Anything else that you would like to say? No